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Kcalin attended the 2022 Xinjiang Clean Energy

Kcalin attended the 2022 Xinjiang Clean Energy Heating Technology Exhibition to help Xinjiang save

On July 8, the 2022 Xinjiang Clean Energy Heating Products Technology Products Exhibition and Xinjiang "Coal to Electricity" Phase II Project Publicity and Implementation Meeting opened in Xinjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center, gathering On July 8, the 2022 Xinjiang Clean Energy Heating Products Technology Products Exhibition and Xinjiang "Coal to Electricity" Phase II Project Publicity and Implementation Meeting opened in Xinjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center, gathering On July 8, the 2022 Xinjiang Clean Energy Heating Products Technology Products Exhibition and Xinjiang "Coal to Electricity" Phase II Project Publicity and Implementation Meeting opened in Xinjiang International Convention and Exhibition Center, gathering
2022-07-11 Details